Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread!

I'm feeling great and pumped and ready to work!

But in other news (since a blog is for nothing if not bitching about the state of the world around me), do I ever HATE when people try to get you to like something by insisting that it's such a world-shattering, relevant thing that you would be less of a human if you didn't.

Another point for the nonhuman!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Uboa Feels Only Shame

Lately, I've been trying out a lot of new things - modeling in Blender, animating in Blender, animating in After Effects, subtitling in After Effects, recording in Soundbooth, installing and playing various games (installation being a grand task indeed, if the game is old enough) - and I've noticed something:

A good percentage of the time, if I'm having trouble with it, there will not be an explanation available.

The reason behind this is perfectly simple - the things I have trouble with are stupidly simple. These are things which are so intuitive that no tutorial or walkthrough will stop to elucidate the problem. Scrub the sliders on both ends to clip a layer's duration? But of course! Leave the house between flicks of the light switch to summon Uboa? Naturally! Make keyframes adjacent to make movements sudden and transitionless? Surely, that would occur to anyone with a brain!

I have to say, it dampens the self-esteem high of mastering something when my problems are so moronic not even guides avowedly catering to idiots and dummies will pander to them. The most debasing part is running over those tutorials detailing things I know painfully well in the process. "No, no, I KNOW what a timeline is . . . "

But hey, fuck it. I can make a sweet animation now, translate another animation from Japanese, and at the end of the day, get warped into an inescapable area by a giant melting face. TAKE THAT, HUMILIATING STUMBLING BLOCKS.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

All right, it's been years, but I'm finally ready to start up a blog again. At my own pace, at my own discretion, and at my own desire. A place to file away fleeting thoughts, whatever they may be. Dreams, even, maybe.

So what shall I type? Nothing comes to mind at the moment. Inspiration came about from reading a very introspective blog, which irritated me with its overly naval-gazing philosophy. The ridiculousness of pondering on the proven, as though hoping it to become more mythical than it is! If reducible to an acceptable level of credibility, then REDUCE!

One example of this irritation is the incessant ponderment on a meaning for life, when it should be more than evident to anyone with a mind that life is its own reason. Since organisms first arranged their machinery from the molecules around them, they have existed only to exist. Those who exist, exist - those who do not, do not. There is no point.

It is certainly possible, and definitely desirable, for a human to make a point in life - like the husky without anything to pull, one will go insane without it. Several points are better yet - always good to have backup. But striving for an ambient point is sheer nonsense.

But of course it is the consciousness which drives us. Which drives me - I still have difficulty believing anyone else is truly conscious. This one thing cannot be adequately explained - why am I myself, however many microscopic "myselves" I may be composed of, and no one else? - and I hope fervently that I live to see the day that it can.